How We optimise SEO for WordPress?

Optimization process as following.

1. Based on individual pages, we will optimise towards 80% score on PageOptimizerPro.

2. Creating 4 piece of highly optimised content to create the best topical relevance. 3, Create silos among all the pages and making sure Google reward these pages. 4. Google entity link building which includes up to 100 optimised Entity links through business profiles, social accounts and interlinking them to let Google know its the client’s property.

5. Optimising the schema to make sure Google recognise all these entity


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It’s very common that WordPress have theme issues, plugin issues, sitemap and crawling , file size due to large images, permanlink and  server setup incompatible issues

Our main focus for WordPress onpage optimisation

Ensuring WordPress URL structure is optimised, optimising markup data, schema, page speed, title, description, interlinks, creating pillar and silo page, hosting speed and CDN solutions to make sure traffic can load the site fast.

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SEO Tools

  1. Ahrefs
  2. SEMrush
  3. PageOptimizerPro
  4. Search Console
  5. Screaming frog
  6. Google entity extractot

Other eCommerce services

  1. Shopify SEO
  2. Magento SEO
  3. Woocommerce SEO


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