How it works?

Amazon search works through ranking within the search box, search filters, and showing up in the result pages all based on Amazon sales ranking and other algorithms.

We will optimise based on the ranking factors and focused on client’s store page , category page and product page on Amazon


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1. Make sure don’t repeat keywords too much.

2. Focus on great product description writing.
3. Help improve your rankings.
4. Make sure high click through rate for product photos
5. Follow Amazon standard optimising method.

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SEO Tools

  1. Ahrefs
  2. SEMrush
  3. PageOptimizerPro
  4. Search Console
  5. Screaming frog
  6. Google entity extractot

Other eCommerce services

  1. Shopify SEO
  2. Magento SEO
  3. Woocommerce SEO


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